Please join the SPHS PTSA for the first General PTSA meeting of the year THIS Monday, August 23rd at 6:30pm, followed by our annual “All Things SPHS” Forum at 7:15pm. Both will be via Zoom.
Because we anticipate a large number of attendees for the forum, the General PTSA meeting has a different Zoom link than the forum. You must, therefore, register for each meeting separately.
Click here to register for the general meeting and then also click here to register for the forum.
General Meeting Agenda includes:
- Meet your new PTSA board members
- Hear what’s going on in the PTSA
- Review the yearly budget
- Approve the audit from last year
All Things SPHS Forum includes:
- Meet your Principal and Vice Principals – John Eldred, Janet Wichman & David Speck
- Learn about ASB, Student Activities, Clubs, Athletics, Boosters, Music Boosters & PTSA
- Get your questions answered about how things work at SPHS
This and other PTSA meetings are on the PTSA calendar. Meeting locations and Zoom links are added to that calendar when they are available.