For Parents
Meetings and Forums
Meetings & Forums
Shape the PTSA’s goals & learn about current issues affecting our students and community
Family Resources
Family Resources
Tiger Guide, College planning, Summer opportunities, Teen mental health
Opportunities to support our students, teachers, and staff throughout the school year
Weekly email blast with the latest news about everything going on at SPHS
Join and Donate
Membership gives you a voice at SPHS, enriches your students’ experience, and makes a positive impact on our whole community. PTSA welcomes all parents, students, siblings, extended family, staff, alumni, and community members.
Wish Night donations go directly into the classroom to bridge the gap between district funding and classroom needs. Students benefit from additional educational resources such as art supplies, technology, theater upgrades, science/lab materials, and tools for the Wellness Center.
No Sweat is a one-and-done fundraiser. Instead of selling cookie dough or wrapping paper, make a one-time donation to help fund Scholarships, Student Club Mini-Grants, Reflections Art program, College Night, Career Fair, Staff/Teacher Appreciation events and so much more!