summer opportunities

Summer Opportunities

On February 10, 2025, PTSA hosted the Summer Opportunities Forum. You can watch the video here. The video references a PDF with links to all information discussed. You can find that link here, or just click below on the subject box to get more information

sphs specific info

Community Service Requirements and Information

Outside Course Approval and Accredited School List

Summer Assignments



  • Coach – Leah Zeiger (
  • – follow in case any of the below dates change!!
  • Tryout meeting April 11 6:30pm in the SPHS Cafeteria(attendance by both student AND parent required if you want to tryout):
  • Clinics April 14-17 4-6pm in SPHS gym (where they learn tryout material; attendance is mandatory)
  • Tryouts April 18 4-8pm
  • Our summer schedule is not set yet, we usually have 3 weeks per month with practice, and one week per month break.

Music Boosters  Band camp -July 28 to August 1 and August 8-18 (M-F, 8am-5pm)


summer jobs

SPHS contact person for Work Permits

Allison Strain, Workability Coordinator

In room 415 until 11am Mon-Fri


Certification courses for Adult & Pediatric First Aid/CPR/AED:


Food service certifications


California Employment Development Department:

How to Find a Summer Job

rec center links

Along with South Pasadena, neighboring cities offer lots of programs for teens including lifeguard certification. These are very low cost or even free for residents but they are also open to South Pasadena students for a slightly higher fee.


South Pasadena Rec Center 


Alhambra Aquatics


Alhambra Sports


Alhambra Rec Center 


Glendale Rec Center 


Glendale Aquatics


Pasadena Aquatics


Pasadena Rec Center 


San Gabriel Rec Center 


San Marino Rec Center 

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